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Popular Templates

Brainstorming can be made more efficient and ideas can be created in high quality by using content ideation templates. Below are a number of widely used content ideation templates:

“5 W’s and H” Template:

  1. Who is the intended audience?
  2. What: theme or challenge
  3. Where: platform or medium
  4. When: timing or seasonality
  5. Why: purpose or objective
  6. How: approach or solution


  1. Substitute
  2. Combine
  3. Adapt
  4. Modify
  5. Put to another use
  6. Eliminate
  7. Reverse

Content Remix Template:

  1. Original article/post page,
  2. New format (e.g., video, infographic, podcast)
  3. Updated information,
  4. Different target readership segments,
  5. New distribution channels.

Problem-Solution Framework:

  1. Identify a common problem.
  2. Explore its impacts.
  3. Present potential solutions.
  4. Provide actionable steps.

Trending Topics Template:

1.Current trend industry relevance 2.Unique angle 3.Supporting data/examples; 4.Call-to-action

Key Element Of Content Ideation

Content ideation is composed of various elements which assist in generating, refining and prioritizing content ideas. The following are the essential components:

Audience Research

It is crucial to understand your audience. Recognize their needs, preferences and issues experienced by them. This covers:

  1. Demographics
  2. Interests
  3. Behaviors
  4. Pain points and challenges
  5. Preferred content formats and channels

Goals and Objectives

  1. Determine what you want to accomplish with your content. These may include:
  2. Increasing brand awareness
  3. Driving traffic to your website
  4. Generating leads
  5. Engaging and retaining customers
  6. Educating your audience.

Content Themes and Topics

Create general frameworks or pillars that correspond with your company’s brand values as well as the interests of the target audience. For each of the themes, think about particular topics relating to it, such as:

  1. Industry trends and news,
  2. Frequently asked questions,
  3. Common problems and solutions
  4. Customer success stories,
  5. Product updates and innovations.

Content Formats

Decide on the formats that will best deliver your message and resonate with your audience, like:

  1. Blog posts,
  2. Videos,
  3. Infographics,
  4. Podcasts
  5. Social media posts.
  6. E-books & whitepapers.


Find out relevant search terms used by readers in searching for information within this category through:

  1. Keyword research tools
  2. Analyzing search queries
  3. Easily integrate keywords into your articles and stuff

Competitive Analysis

Evaluate the efforts of your rivals. View:

  1. Kinds of content they publish
  2. How often they publish new content.
  3. There are gaps in their content, which you can fill.
  4. Engagement metrics

Content Calendar

Design a content calendar for planning and scheduling all your works in order to have them well-organized. It should include:

  1. Dates for publication
  2. Topics with Headlines
  3. Types of content
  4. Parties responsible for creation of the text pieces
  5. Advertising, Communication and Implementation channel strategy.

Brainstorming Techniques

Employ different techniques that bring out ideas faster than one would have projected through brainstorming. Methods are inclusive of:

  1. Idea association diagrams or flowcharts, are referred to as Mind maps.
  2. Conceptualization writing.
  3. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis.
  4. Direct feedback from the clients and survey methods are also useful brainstorming techniques.

Data and Analytics

Use data to form ideas about the type of audience that is likely to consume the information provided by your text, visual, graphic, or podcast based on:

  1. Website statistics/analysis\analytics,
  2. Social media analytics, metrics, etc. EMAIL CAMPAIGN ANALYTICS / METRICS,
  3. Feedback from customers .
  4. Creativity and Innovation

Give room for creativity and thinking outside the box so that there is an environment where new ideas can be welcomed and taken up further.

Content Alignment

Check if your contents are in line with your brand’s voice, values, and overall strategy or not? Try to maintain consistency in messaging tone throughout this process.

  1. Feedback and Iteration
  2. This will help you collect suggestions for future revisions or amendments while coming up with refined versions of what has been suggested before by our team members, who will help us decide whether these iterations were good enough based upon what we heard back


  • Which are the templates for content ideation?

5W’S and H, Scamper Method, Problem Solving

  • What are the most important key elements of content ideation?

Audience Research , Goal Objectives, Data Analytics and Content Calendar

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